SCPA CAMPAN & TIMONEAAdministrative Litigation Law

Our law firm provides comprehensive legal services (consultation, assistance, and legal representation) concerning the employment relationships of public officials, delegated individuals, and appointees.

We also offer legal services in the field of administrative litigation law, which focuses on defending the rights and interests of individuals and legal entities who believe that their legitimate rights or interests have been violated by a public authority through an administrative act or by the failure to resolve a request within the legal timeframe. Additionally, we ensure their right to address the administrative court with a request to annul the act, recognize the claimed right, and obtain compensation for the damage caused to them.

SCPA Campan & Timonea provides legal assistance and representation before public authorities/institutions and courts regarding:

  • Formulating and submitting prior complaints to authorities or institutions to fulfill mandatory procedures or to recover/defend rights and legitimate interests.
  • Formulating and supporting complaints against offense finding minutes or other sanctions, and, where applicable, requesting the suspension of measures until the definitive resolution of the cases.
  • Legal assistance and representation before judicial/administrative courts.
  • Actions related to the modification or interpretation of contractual clauses in contracts concluded with public authorities, such as concession contracts, lease contracts, management contracts, and other contracts.
  • Consultation and legal assistance regarding the conclusion/modification/termination of administrative contracts.
  • Actions to annul tax decisions illegally and/or unjustly issued by central or local state authorities or institutions.
  • Initiating legal actions against central or local state bodies.
  • Actions to compel administrative authorities to issue an administrative act.
  • Legal actions against a public authority due to unjustified refusal to comply with a request.
  • Representation and legal assistance in administrative and judicial proceedings.
  • Legal assistance and representation in the enforcement of court decisions.