SCPA CAMPAN & TIMONEAPublic and private procurement (European funds)

Authorities, public law entities and certain utility operators are not allowed to award contracts freely. They are often obliged to comply with public procurement rules when awarding contracts for works, goods, services or concessions. Also, companies bidding for public contracts with local, European or international public procurement procedures have to take into account a complex set of rules and risk non-compliance and exclusion.

In cases where these rules do not apply, public authorities and entities must still respect the general principles of transparency and competitive tendering when entering into agreements with third parties. Our procurement team in our office is familiar with procurement issues in a wide variety of sectors and will help you navigate the rules and regulations.

Our team assists all parties involved in the public procurement process and provides strategic consultation and transactional support in the following ways:

  • Estimating the value of public procurement and choosing the awarding method
  • Drafting award documentation/justification notes
  • Developing specifications
  • Support in uploading documentation to SEAP
  • Assistance in responding to clarification requests/preliminary notification, evaluating submitted offers
  • Analyzing the award procedure
  • Assistance/drafting of the procurement contract
  • Annual procurement plan preparation
  • Market research
  • Informing the beneficiary/Contracting Authority about legislative methods at the national and European levels
  • Support provided to the Contracting Authority/business operator in responding to preliminary notification/objection
  • Formulating objections before CNSC and the court

Consultancy services for private beneficiaries in procurement:

  • Market research
  • Drafting a note on determining the estimated value of the procurement; specifications
  • Drafting announcements/invitations/clarifications/communication of procurement results (if applicable)
  • Justification note for the award
  • Justification note regarding the signing date of the contracts (if applicable) – for lots
  • Declarations under own responsibility indicating that the winning bidder/applicant/private beneficiary has not violated provisions regarding conflicts of interest
  • The procurement contract; additional acts (if applicable)
  • Other relevant documents, including those proving the completion of the procurement (e.g., service and work acceptance reports, deliverables, handover protocols etc.)
  • Uploading documents to SEAP/SICAP